Tuesday 20 September 2011

My School Lyff..!!!

Hello Friends..  Happy to see U with My second post..!!

Here I just thought of describing my School Lyf. As I mentioned earlier I did my schooling (right from LKG to 12th std) at Chinmaya Vidyalaya.  Woww..!! Such an awesome school. It is from there I got my basic knowledge. There are many parents (of course they are My TEACHERS) who thought me. My salutations to them.

My school is mostly a spiritual school where they give more importance to spiritual activities and culture. Daily we used to chant the scared “Bhagavat Gita” in our assembly. We used to have competition in Bhagavat Gita every year. Each year we were asked to learn a full chapter (totally there are 18..!!). Somehow I will managed to learn few slokas or sometimes the full chapter. Every year I used get a price for chanting the Scared Book. This is a small description about my school.

There are many incidents which are still evergreen in my thoughts. I will just describe some of them here.

Chalks..!!! :P

            This is really a funny thing in my life. Still now I used to think about it and laugh like a mad. When I was around 7th I was crazy about “CHALKS”(Of course the one used to write in boards). I used to steal a lot of them and hide it in my bag or pocket during school time. Whenever a staff sends me to get chalk I used to get some for me, and then take for the staff. Don’t know why but still (studying in an Engineering college) am still crazy about them. whenever I used to bring chalks to my home my Mom used to scold for bringing this junk. but I just wont bother to hear her. This funny incident took place when I was in 7th standard.

            During school days I used to go to school by Auto. My school gets over by 3.40 pm. My auto is scheduled to 4.10pm. so,  I use to roam in school (to see from where I can steal Chalks :P). So, that day I went to KG block. There I saw an empty class room with a box filled with chalk. So I silently went in and was filling my pocket with white chalk. As I was facing the box I  was unable to see the entrance of the class room. Suddenly I heard a female voice shouting at me “what are you Doing There ?”. when I just turned back to my surprise I saw a lady staff starring towards me. At that moment I didn’t know what to do. I replied her “Miss I was just taking some two chalk pieces”. She told me to empty the pocket. To her surprise she was amazed to see dozens of chalks coming out of my pocket…..!!!!

            She told me that she would complain me to the principal. My legs started to shiver (at that moment I thought I was dancing :D) Then she went. And I also left for my auto. My mind was full of this chalk piece matter. I was afraid whether she would report me to the Principal. I really had a tensed evening that day. The next day I have planned to attend a flower arrangement competition at a nearby place. I really didn’t have a mood of attending it at all...!!!!
            Finally the next day came. I was really tensed. It was a Friday. During all Fridays we used to have Bhajans at our school for  one hour. And there will be some announcement after some 45 minutes. And I was thinking principal would call me and scold in front of the whole school. Don’t know why but my Mind thinks all incredible things which really cannot happen at any cost..!!!! But finally nothing happened. I was relieved as if I have cleared an IIT entrance Paper.
Though it seems really a silly thing, this is one of the most unforgettable moment in My life…!!! Still now I have those chalk pieces in my home to remember my childish innocent activities..!!!

1 comment:

  1. hey narayana..........
    smetimes i wonder... y i go to staff room often to pick chalk...???? finally i got d anawer... :):):P
